Well, what can I say?
I can say my husband has done a fine job out laying out the events of the wedding and honeymoon for you. Which makes my job a little easier.
I can say I didn’t get completely trashed at my own wedding, which believe it or not, was a great fear for a long time. I had a glass of champagne as I was getting dressed, a glass of champagne during the toasts, then a couple of sips of whatever was poured for me (oh, and some nips of Gentleman Jack from Michael's flask....gawd bless him). I was too busy looking around and just being completely in awe that this was MY WEDDING. Or I was dancing my ass off.
I can say I remember everything, except the verbage of the speeches, which is a shame, because they were beautiful. All of them.
I can say I was really worried about Todd having to tear me away at 9:30pm, when the party was in full swing. But people started filtering out around 9:00, after a few hours of very enthusiastic dancing, so after that I was constantly asking the time because I didn’t want to keep the limo driver waiting.
And I can say everything was perfect. Yes, my dad stepped on my dress while walking me down the aisle and then he didn’t know when to sit down, so I had to tell him “You sit now!” And yes, the bustle ripped on my dress during the first dance conga line, which led to many pictures of me (and other people) holding it up while trying to get down.
But really? It was an incredible time. Just incredible. There just aren't enough words or enough time to post everything, so here are some of my favorite photos, so far:
(Afterwards, at the hotel, high on bliss)
(My Best Lady (under the dress), workin' on the bustle)
(Me and my new daughter)
(Me and Isabella, dancing)
You can see the rehearsal, wedding (some, not all, from Randy) and post wedding pictures here.