Then somehow I found myself in the shoe department, and REALLY, I was just looking for some cute flats that I could wear with a couple of my dresses. But then I hit the boot aisle and well....crap.

Because I don't have brown ones, that's why
And they were $8.
Shoot me.
No no. Ain't gonna shoot ya. Those are definitely workin'.
You need to watch the movie Kinky Boots some night at film night - I promis it's ok for the kids in spite of the title...
Dang! I need to go shoe shop with you - where do you find nice boots for $8? I'm clearly looking in all the wrong places!
Shoot you over $8 boots? need to reveal your sources!!! Cuz I need to get shot too! Can I get a hell yes?
(this comment brought to you by the word verification "dpdgebub," which has just got to be pronounced "deeped-dodge-bub". It's just gotta.)
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