And please forgive any typos. It's late, I've been at this for a few hours and I'm pooped.
Friday, July 4
I arrived in Pittsburgh and began my three-ish hour drive to Nestorville, WV. In a PT Cruiser. Yeah, baby.

Apparently, I just missed dad

Dad, workin' the tractor.
(Oh, calm down, mom. I specifically picked this photo (there were eight of them) because his shirt isn't open. It's all very PG.)
My brother and sister and their families were already there.
Tent City, WV
After all of the hugs and hellos, Ma and Pa were presented with a cake.

They have purchased land (officially dubbed Pisswilly Ranch) and are in the process of getting a mobile home on that land. We don't know when they're going to actually get to move up there, but they're ready.
That evening, my brother set off fireworks. Oohs and aahs were heard for minutes.
Sorry. No photos.
Saturday, July 5
Mom and I got up early and went to breakfast.
Why, what's that on the menu?
That's right! Coco Wheats! And now that I think about it, I meant to pick some more up while I was there. I forgot. Crap.
Later that day was bonding with the family.
My siblings, Wendy & Shane, with pa.
Then there was dinner, and more bonding with the family.
I thought I was being sexy. No one else did. Might have been the wine.
Then my sister's husband got a wild hair and decided he was every bit as cool as the young whipper snappers, so he partook in rolling down the hill.
At least he didn't throw up, right?
And Saturday ends with a very heavy four year old sitting on me.
Sunday, July 6
Tent City was dismantled and the siblings, and their families, left for home. Right as my aunt and uncle arrived. Ma and pa took them up to Pisswilly Ranch and while they were there, my aunt collected a bag of apples to make homemade apple sauce. So, me, my mom and my aunt sat and peeled apples (which, by the way, hurts the hell out of your hands) while singing gospel songs. A very West Virginia moment.
That evening, the sickness set in. Could have been the heat. Could have been dehydration. Could have been the beef I put in the lasagna I made for dinner. Could have been the tubs of Clorox in the bedroom where I was sleeping that my uncle swears prevents mold in the room. In any event, I was miserable.
Monday, July 7
Still sick. I woke up at 6:30am then went and crawled into mom and dad's (empty) room, since they had an actual bed and I was on a quarter inch of foam on the floor in my grandma's old room with a 10 year old. And Clorox. Dad gave me a pill to settle my stomach and my mom got me a bucket. I slept until noon, and felt a little better when I woke up.
My dad and uncle had gone up to the ranch to scope out where the mobile home was going to go and what trees would have to come down and other country, outdoorsy, retirement stuff, so mom, Trent and I took them lunch. I did not eat.
Side note: this house is on the road leading up to the ranch. Would you take a look at that porch? Sigh. I want this house.
(Take note, Nancy)
Anyway, here's the property.
The First Supper (okay, "lunch") at Pisswilly Ranch
More sleep that afternoon. Which was okay, because it thunder stormed for a little while. Actually, it did that every day. Little thunder, big downpour, then sunshine. Not too bad.
Tuesday, July 8
Shopping with my cousin, Hippy. Yes, Hippy. Her real name is Diane, but everyone in the family has a nickname. Harry, Lardy, Whitty, Hippy, Gillis, Binky. It's a hillbilly thing.
I bought WV hats and shirts for Todd and the kids. Gotta represent.
Stopped by the property for a bit to check out dad's new riding lawn mower that he and the uncle purchased that morning.
Here's my response to dad's tractor photos. Whadya think? Who works a tractor better?
That afternoon, I finally made it down to the creek. Hippy took some pics, but I haven't gotten them yet. I'll have to bug her about that.
Sickness update: the stomach was better, but the allergies had set in. Nose was clogged up, I started sneezing my head off, and as soon as I would lay down to sleep, I started coughing. So I slept on the couch.
Wednesday, July 9
Mom and I spent the entire day driving around looking at mobile homes. The entire day. I've learned alot. Not sure when I'll ever use this information, but it's tucked away for further reference.
And then, I got a little alone time, so I laid down by the creek and read a bit.
Sickness update: cough cough, hack hack, ACHOO, ACHOO, (blow) ACHOO, cough cough, ACHOO (blow). Oh, for the love of puppies, shoot me. Where is my codeine cough syrup when I need it?
Thursday, July 10
After a long drive, and almost hitting a groundhog that was sitting in the middle of a four lane highway, I arrived at the airport. My brother and his family got to see a big black bear sitting in the middle of the road on their drive up. I get a groundhog. Stupid groundhog.
Note to self: my very thin, Hanes boys' white tank top makes getting through security a breeze. Use it if ya got it, right?
And the final pic of the trip.
Does a pink cowboy shirt negate the "toughness" of the cowboy himself? Hmmmm....
Sickness update: cough cough, hack hack, ACHOO, ACHOO, (blow) ACHOO, cough cough, ACHOO (blow). Todd picked up my cough syrup while I was gone, so I downed a big swig before bed and slept soundly though the night. And Friday, felt right as rain. Huh. Must have been that clean, mountain air.
Next up.....Weekend Update!
I'm not sure how many homes like that were built in W. Seattle and are now for sale, but you know if one exists I'll find it!
Glad you had a good time on your trip, and even gladder you've returned!
Love the nicknames. It's an Italian thing, too. And best of all, you don't even have to be in the Mob to get one!
I'm partial to the cute chick on the tractor. Although with enough booze in me, that sombrero dude could be in trouble!
Pisswilly Ranch, huh??? Looks and sounds like everyone had a good time. Peeling apples and singing gospel songs - definitely a WV moment. Wish I'd been there! And the Bowlings all have nicknames too: Bubba, Peanut, Crackers, Tinky, Big Boy, Duck, Sparkie, Chip and of course, Bucky. ;>) Small world.
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