And because I'm secure enough in my beauty these days to show you pictures from high school. Well, pictures of pictures from high school. I don't have a scanner, so you'll have to pardon the quality.
Freshman year. A junior asked me to homecoming. Afterwards we went to his friend's house and watched a movie. And he tried to kiss me and I freaked out on him. Mom and dad would have proud. And yes, even my bangs were permed. I can't count the number of times the word "poodle" was used that year. What the hell was I thinking? And why didn't I buy him a garter?

Sophomore year. I was dating the back up quarterback of the football team, also a sophomore. We were cool. Even with the bolo. Note his lovely garter.

Junior year. I took a freshman. I had gotten my braces off, my skin had cleared up. Life was looking up.

My friend here will kill me, but I love this photo. She had a triple mum. Her man liked her more. Or he had more money than my freshman.

And senior year. No mum that year. No, no....too mature for that stuff. Just a classy little corsage. I asked Jeff, who had graduated....two years before me? He lived in my neighborhood and was worshipped by the all the girls. And everyone was shocked that he showed up with me. I remember we went to Red Lobster beforehand and I had a virgin daiquiri. A wild night, indeed. What on earth possessed me to ask him? I can't remember.......
Oh my stars!!!!! What were we thinking??? Even though you had the "poodle" perm I had the "wave" bangs!!!! Not any better let me tell ya!! Oh and Jason didn't like me more and didn't have more money. His mother made it! We should have made each others all those years ya know.
Wow - just wow...maybe eeks... ;-)
Proof you are from Texas: bolos! garters! Yikes, I thought growing up in Virginia was bad. We did have mums, though. And I don't blame you for asking Jeff -- cute.
Great pics! And I remember every one of them.
Looking back at your photos with the mums, do you realize that you wore a black dress on EVERY occasion? You're just too dark!
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