Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ending Vacation with a Bang

Or, Why a Three Hour Layover in Atlanta is Disastrous

Originally, my flight home yesterday was supposed to be Pittsburgh to Milwaukee, with an hour layover, then on to Seattle. Easy. Pretty straight shot.

But three weeks ago, I got a notice that my flight had changed. It was now Pittsburgh to Atlanta, with a three hour layover, then over to Seattle.

Inefficient routes like that irk me.

So I upgraded to business class. Bigger seats and free wine can make that five hour plane ride much better.

Well. If you don’t drink a glass of wine and two Bloody Marys during the actual layover. Which I did. There’s a reason you’re not supposed to drink when you fly. Flying dehydrates you. Drinking dehydrates you. Flying + Drinking = Sahara Desert.

I knew this prior to my flight. I'm not new.  But apparently my brain was broken because I was so focused on making that three hours fly by I didn’t stop to add everything up.

I blame Atlanta.
I never would have none that in Milwaukee.  Never.


But now vacation is over, and I'm back in the real world, being good and responsible.

For a few days anyway.....

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