Friday, March 4, 2011

Random Friday Babbling

I haven’t had chocolate in two days. I am making a conscious effort to not eat sweets. Too much wine, too many sweets, not enough exercise. So, sweets are dead to me. Long live wine.


Speaking of being fat, it’s Frumpy Friday here in Raechelle-land. Ann gave me this big, gray sweater that, at first glance, appears to be a wool poncho with a cowl neck. It’s not flattering on me at all. But I’m wearing it at work today. Vanity be dammed. I am comfy.

I’m thinking though, with a pair of black leggings and my black stiletto heel boots and no tank top underneath, it could make for a sexy outfit.


Maybe tomorrow night for the James Marsters show and our buddy, Kirby Krackle?

Wha..? You don’t know who James Marsters is? That’s Spike, from Buffy, silly! He is a guest at Emerald City Comicon this year, along with Felicia Day, Wil Wheaton, Nicholas Brandon, THE William Shatner and a bunch of other people I don’t know all that well.

Oh, and did I mention I’m volunteering at the con? Me. Non-comic geek. Volunteering at a comicon.

Because my husband has a booth where he will be pimping his wares (as well as do all of his buds) and I thought, wouldn’t I be just the coolest wife if I volunteered to participate in something I have absolutely no clue about, just to be near my man all weekend?

That’s right. I WOULD be.

Also, I might meet famous people.


And so I’ve dyed my hair the brightest red yet for the event. Can’t appear *too* normal this weekend.

Pictures soon.


I think I’m going to leave the blog on Blogger. I migrated it over to WordPress, and while I LOVE the fact that I can have all of my blogs under one domain name, WordPress is only customizable if you know HTML. Which I do not. And don’t really have the time to learn right now.

If I can’t change the color of my font relatively easily, screw it. It’s too much work.


Speaking of being technologically challenged, I signed up for a Twitter account. I don’t know how to Twitter, and don’t really want to Twitter. I just want to stalk….er….follow a few people I love.

....time lapse….

Twitter update:
I now follow five people on Twitter and have uploaded a profile picture. Still don’t know how to post a tweet. Or a twit?

It is a slippery slope, my friends.


And now that I can see photos that Twits post, I wanna be at ECC!! I just talked to Todd. He’s there with his buddies and he’s seen Kyle and the famous people are signing stuff and I have to wait until tomorrow!!

It’s like a party I can’t attend yet. Crap!


Lucy Leadskin said...

Hey sweetie! So what's your Twitter handle?

Ann said...

Belt the sweater. Makes it much more non-frumpy that way.