Monday, December 17, 2007

Kick Me When I'm Down, Whydoncha?

So I'm sitting here at work, working (really!) but taking breaks occasionally because I hate transcribing minutes from meetings. I type for 15 minutes, take a 5 minute break. Type for another 15 minutes, take another 5 minute break.

On my breaks, I check my friends' blogs. And one of my friends also baked cookies this weekend. But she's a freakin' overachiever so, of course, her cookies are just picture perfect. Seriously. I wonder sometimes why I hang out with her.

Just kidding there Mrs. Traveler........


Anonymous said...

For God's sake, you people with all this time to bake cookies and do yoga (I read your friend's blog) make me sick! What the hell?! I hate my job. No time for nothin!!! I barely have time to keep up w/your blog these days. I need to find a new job...

The Mysterious Traveler said...

Yes, but it took me several decades of baking disasters and no yoga before I figured any of this out. You have plenty of time. But do change job. I mean, have you ever known anyone who said "Oh, I'm SO SORRY I quit that awful job?"

Anonymous said...

Maybe Mysterious Traveler would like to come live with me? That's some serious cookie baking! What other talents does she have? Like I said if you ever want to feel good about yourself, think about me. he, he, he....;>) Kristin, one day you will have a job that allows you some free time.