Sunday, October 27, 2013

Only in West Virginia?

Mom and I ran down to the Shop-n-Save today to pick up a few things (pie, ice cream, candy know, the staples).  While we were standing in line, there was a man in front of us who was purchasing Pringle potato chips.  He and the clerk exchanged a few words, and then he bolted past us, to go back into the store.

Odd.  But okay.

We were paying for our stuff, and the man came back up with another can of Pringles.

"I didn't know they had Pecan Pie flavored chips!"

He was so excited.

"Well, hell, I'm going to buy them so let's see how good these are!"

He opened the chips and offered the can to anyone who was nearby.  So, mom and I stood there, trying out Pecan Pie Pringles with some guy and a couple of clerks.  The chips were interesting - tasted like maple syrup.  Mom didn't like them.

After checking out, we walked down to the Dollar Store for a couple more staples (syrup, Mounds) and while standing in the line, the Pringles man comes in and says to the clerk "I forgot my Cheese Balls!"  The clerk replied "I tried to chase you down, but you were already gone!"

So the Pringles man grabbed his cheese balls and laughed a hearty laugh and walked out.

I love it here.


I also got out in the shed and went through all of mom's Christmas stuff.  Most of their lights are multi colored, so I don't need those, but there were some white lights I could use for our Griswald Christmas decorations.  I so wish I had a place to put her big village.  She sent me the small one that I put up on the barmoir every year, but she has a bigger size, and there's probably 20 buildings - houses, stores, a church.  So freakin' pretty.  We used to put up a few saw horses and planks of plywood in order to set this thing up.  Took up the whole dining room.

Here's one corner.

And dad would put his train around it.

I will make sure our next house (our CASTLE) will have one room for this village.  Oh yes I will.

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