Saturday, August 6, 2011

Did You Miss Me?

It's Saturday night.  Todd is working feverishly on an Airship Daedalus comic strip in his new office, Kayleigh is downstairs in her new bedroom, and Tyler is out in his cottage.  I've got When Harry Met Sally... on the teevee, and a fresh glass of champagne on the table beside me. 

And the carpet is freshly vacuumed.

Life just can't get much better right about now.

Well, it would be nice if I had all of my pictures, music and documents on my computer.  It seems I got a virus a while back and it wiped out Windows.  So Todd reloaded Windows and yay!  I can work on my computer again!  But now we have to find all my stuff that was backed up.

Fortunately, I have plenty of time this week to work on it.  Because, oh did I tell you?  I got a new job and my last day at my clinic was yesterday. 


I still can't believe I don't work there.  I've been there six years.

I started packing up my stuff around 2pm.  Come 3:30pm, CB was ready to drag me to my going away happy hour.  People stopped by and said good luck, but only three people came to my happy hour.  And that was just fine.  They were my three true friends at work - CB, Mr. Cranky Non-Decorating Co-worker and HK, my dance partner.  It was lovely.  And a bit sad.  I got a little choked when I hugged CB goodbye.

But Todd and I kept the party going when we got home.  Neighbors came over, Steve and Steph came over, we played Rock Band and I sucked down Jack-n-Cokes (Todd said it was okay to play with Jack since I would be well supervised.  At home.)

The impromptu party lasted until about 11pm, then it was time to retire.  And what great pleasure I took in turning off my alarm.

I'm off all this week.  And Monday of next week.  Nuthin' but time, baby.

Well, okay, I do have a few things on the calendar.  Tomorrow, I'm sanding and staining the new desk Todd and I found at Goodwill tonight.  Woohoo!*  Monday, I'm having lunch with my new boss, SuperBoss.  Cause he's super.  On Tuesday, Todd and I are going to watch a Seahawks training camp (which I have been dying to do for years!) and then on Thursday, the first pre-season game is on at 5pm!!

I kind of hope it's rainy that day.

And then that weekend, we shoot the first three episodes of The Collectibles.

Do you still not know about The Collectibles?  Shame on you.  Go Like them.  I'm the Line Producer.

So we shoot three episodes on Saturday and Sunday, which means Rae-rae is going to be freakin' exhausted on Monday.  Therefore, I start at the New Company on Tuesday.

I'll also have to squeeze some shopping in there at some point.  Oh Darn.


*The "woohoo" is three fold.  One, this desk (picture soon, once I clean it up) is gorgeous and has loads of character.  Two, this desk was a mere $25 (I freakin' love Goodwill!) and three, it fit in my car even though there was ANOTHER desk in there, still in it's box, that we'd picked up for Todd from a craigslister.

Hot damn!!

I actually hugged the car and told him he was wonderful.  And then we named him.

Exy, for short, I think.  We'll see.

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