Monday, April 18, 2011

Back to Our Regular Ol’ Boring Life


Raechelle’s Birthday Week is over. Now we’re back to the same ol’, same ol’. Well, we’ll celebrate Todd’s birthday in three weeks, so that will be fun for him.

I finished up the birthday week with taking Friday off from work. Granted, Todd and I sat in a doctor’s office for two hours and he was so tired and sick he could hardly keep his eyes opened, and when we got home, he immediately crashed on the couch, so I did laundry and cleaned the bedroom and organized the closet, and then had to leave to pick Kayleigh up from school, but hey. It’s better than sitting in a cube.

We didn’t really do a Friday night movie pizza night. Everyone was doing their own thing, so Todd and I watched the vampire movie, Daybreakers. Which was surprisingly good.

My only beef about this movie was the consistency. Ethan Hawk gets repeatedly burned by the sun, but there is damage whatsoever. I call bullshit. Especially when a vampire got burned early in the movie and he was all blistery. And also, we see the vicious ripping apart of someone (fantastically gory) but when we have the sad, goodbye I can’t believe you’re dead scene, the guy’s hardly even bloodied. Um, I’m sorry. I’m pretty sure I saw his large intestine pulled out of his torso. Why isn’t his shirt ripped?

But other than that, good movie.

Saturday, I was up early to get ready for my girl date with Trish. We walked down to the Junction and had brunch at The Tuscan Tea Room.


So good. So beautiful. I felt like I was in a foreign country back in yesteryear. Just lovely. The Tuscan Tea Room has a very elaborate Afternoon Tea, but I’m not a real tea drinker (but I met Ms. Traveler would love this place) so Trish and I had mimosas and breakfast – crepes and french toast.

After brunch, we toodled around the Junction and looked at books, clothes, and doggies. So many doggies. My favorite was the 10 month old Saint Bernard that weighed 90 lbs and knocked me over when he sat on my feet and laid up against me. Such a pretty puppy!

We finished off our date with coffee and a cupcake (still my birthday!) then headed back home. I ended up turning around and walking right back down to the Junction with Kayleigh. I’d seen a sweater there that I thought she’d like (she needs one for a dress she has), so we went to look at it. But the sweater was already gone. Poo. Luckily we a shawl that will work just as well. Productive.

Then back home to eat a quick dinner, then freshen up for the Springer’s joint birthday party at Kenyon Hall. What fun! Those theater people keep me laughing. I love the Twelfth Night gatherings.

We were home before midnight, and crashed pretty much immediately.

And on the last day of RBW, I celebrated in style by sleeping in until 11am. OH YEAH. Then I just laid in bed for a half an hour and snuggled with Tom. I love my Tom.

But the day was actually sunny, so I got motivated and took Kayleigh to her friend’s house, then came back and started on the yard. I mowed the front, back and the area between the sidewalk and the street, I weedeated (weedate?), I raked all the twigs that had fallen from that freakin’ pine tree that I wish would just fall over but not on any houses, and I quickly swept the front and back stairs. In the last hour, the dark clouds started to move in, so I lost my motivation to be a perfectionist. I just wanted it all done.

Todd felt guilty because he was still hacking up junk and pretty weak, so he balanced out the day by going to the grocery store and making dinner. And keeping my wine glass full all evening.

And apparently I overdid it because my left arm and shoulder hurt so bad that I couldn’t lay on my left side to sleep. And I have to lay on my left side. If I lay on my right side, or on my back, my sinuses clog up. Weird, no? So I breathed through my mouth all night, which means I never really slept well.

I downed some ibuprofen this morning and will take it regularly throughout the day, so that I can be assured a pain free sleep tonight. Hopefully.

But damn, the yard looks good!

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