Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Long Weekend Update

I splurged and took Friday off, since we had Thursday off for Veteran’s Day. And it was a good thing, too, because I spent all day Thursday cleaning Kayleigh’s room with her because her new full size bed arrived bright and early so we had to make room for that. Then there was dinner and drinks with Jamie that evening at the Celtic Swell, so yes, a day off was much needed.

Tom and I slept in.

Tangent: Can I just say that this is one of the best ways to wake up in the morning (in addition to smoochies from Todd, of course)? It doesn’t normally start off so cuddly. Usually, there’s kneading with his claws on my stomach or my head, depending on how I’m laying, and that’s followed by very loud purring and a wet nose on my face. But eventually, he falls asleep so the kneading stops and he ends up just kind of slides into some groove, be it my arm, my neck, my legs or on my feet.

This is why it’s so hard for me to get up in the mornings.

But I finally did get up (at 11am) to go shop. I went to Goodwill and Value Village to find some non-jean pants. Which I didn’t. I will have to soon, though. The only reason I can wear jeans to work is because I don’t work in the clinic anymore. I’m offsite. But in December, I will have to help out with my department, so I will be onsite every afternoon for two weeks. So, no jeans.

Not good.

Anyway, back to our story.

Friday night, I completely spaced about a girlie party I was invited to, and instead Todd and I (along with the kids and Lydia) watched Temple Grandin. Excellent movie. Excellent. Even the kids loved it. Claire Danes is just beyond incredible.

And then there was teenage girl drama (which I LIVE FOR), and then I finally got to go to bed.

On Saturday morning, Ron arrived to do family pictures for our Christmas card. And let me just say, if you do get one of our Christmas cards, I am well aware that I look like a 45 year old boring, homely mom with a bad haircut and extra 20lbs. Please know this hairstyle (and extra 20lbs) is a temporary setback and the pictures will be better next year. I promise.

Todd and the kids look fantastic. Of course.

After the hell of picture time (picture time with NO ALCOHOL, thankyouverymuch) Todd and I watched a few episodes of Dexter Season 3 while the kids were out in the cottage playing games. The weather was completely icky, so it was a perfect day to curl up on the couch and veg out with a serial killer.

Another tangent? I freakin’ love this show. There aren’t a lot of shows that I can say I freakin’ love, but I freakin’ love this show. Yes, Debra annoys me because she’s so crass and vulgar, but even she’s growing on me. I told Todd, I simply love the characters. Every season there’s a character you know you shouldn’t like. You know they’re going to turn out to be bad, bad people, but you can’t help it. They’re likable. Until they try to kill Dexter. This is one of the perks of Seattle in the winter. Lots of indoor time to catch up on your shows. We should be caught up on all of Dexter by the spring.


At about 7:30pm we got off our butts and dressed up to go to our friend Michael’s Rock Star birthday party. I do love an excuse to wear my black and red wig. A few people thought it was real! (Hmm….maybe I’ll just get this style in a few different colors and wear them until this fugly haircut grows out….) Todd wore the "Chelle Shocked” t-shirt and badge he made for my Rock Star birthday party, so he was my bodyguard.

The party was filled with entertainment, from pole dancing to belly dancing to live music. Michael and Chris’ parties do not disappoint.

But we were home by 11:30pm, because were are responsible parents.

And on Sunday, Todd and I drove up to Bellingham to visit Omi and watch the Seahawks finally play some good football! Nancy and Bob came over, we had an early supper, then it was already time to head back home. In the dark. At 4pm.

I heart Seattle.

Todd went to rehearsal that evening, I curled up on the couch and attempted to watch Sunday night cartoons, but I fell asleep through The Simpsons and The Cleveland Show, then Family Guy wouldn’t come in.

Oh. Did I tell you we got rid of our cable? Yep. That’s why Family Guy wouldn’t come in. We’re kickin’ it old skool now. We got an antenna. And that’s it.

Since you can watch most any show or movie online or through Netflix Instant queue on the Wii, it seemed ridiculous to pay over $100 for cable TV. Yes, I miss HGTV and a couple of other channels, but really? We’re not losing any sleep. Except when Fox won’t come in. I just want to watch Family Guy!

At least we still get football games. That’s the biggie.

Oh, and we cut off our land line, too. Again, ridiculous when every one of us has a cell phone. Maybe mine will ring more often now….

So we’re getting down to basics. Yes, we still have wireless internet, because HELLO? Four of us in the house with laptops, streaming movies, videos and playing games. Getting rid of wireless would be insane. But we’re cutting back where we can.

Look at me! Being responsible.



Lucy Leadskin said...

Dexter is *fantastic*. I'm torrenting the latest season, since we refuse to pay for Showtime. (Also torrenting the latest Weeds - go Assaf! Wooh!)

We're addicted to cable, tho', so keeping the umbilical cord.

You are so much stronger than us!


Anonymous said...

Dexter RULES! Love You - MM