Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me

Can I just say how awesome my co-workers are? Even though they're trying to make me fat?

I arrived at work at 7:00am this morning (I know!) to find Mr. Cranky Non-Decorating Co-Worker with three boxes of cookies, a card and a handful of chocolate for me. So his new nickname is Sweetie Pie.

Sweetie Pie and my other co-worker, Metabulor (he’s 6’4” and skinny, skinny, skinny) invited me to coffee with them so they could buy me a birthday treat. Who am I to say to no to a birthday treat? So they bought me to a spinach feta croissant. Yummy poo.

Upon returning from our coffee break, we noticed a large collection of balloons rising up from my cube. CB, my yoga buddy (ha! We don’t do yoga anymore), and another co-worker had decorated my cube all up!

And she brought a box of ooey gooey donuts and a lovely beautiful smelling plant that, after buying it, she realized it was an Easter plant – a Star of Bethlehem. Very funny. Let’s see if I can keep it alive.

And while my co-workers are awesome, let me tell you how awesome TBFE is. After arriving home last night, I found a hollow chocolate Easter bunny on the bed, with a sappy birthday card that brought tears to my eyes. He’s taking us to the aquarium tonight, then to dinner afterwards. And then this weekend will be my birthday party. That I didn’t even know I was having until I saw it on the calendar.

I love my Scotsman.
Thanks, babe.

Doesn't it look like I'm covered with gray hair? That's kind of how I feel today....sigh.

It's actually a bittersweet day today. Last night, I started a downhill slide into ick. But I think I've finally pulled myself up out of it. I have a habit of remembering back to where I was a year ago, at any given day, and sometimes that makes me sad. Not because I'm not happy now, but because things are so very different and, in some ways, unfamiliar. There were a few other contributing factors, including the thought of Steve's dad, who passed away in February and with whom I share a birthday. I'm still close with Steve and his family, so I can't help but think of them and how sad they must be today.

Anywho, we're on the up and up now. I'm leaving at 2pm today, I've had lots of sugar, I have a beautiful plant, I have lots of sweet cards, I got a Habitude gift certificate from a couple of fantastic people and my fantabulous honey is going above and beyond by throwing me a big ass Rock Star party this weekend.

What on earth do I have to be sad about?

Bring on year 34!


Lucy Leadskin said...


Marcia said...

Love ya! Happy birthday to you.


hi... your birthday is my mom's birthday as well... hehe