Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Hair Hurts

On my way to work this morning, I remembered that I failed to order coffee for our 9am faculty meeting. Big boo boo.

So I used my feminine wilds on the catering staff and batted my eyelashes and tossed my hair and begged and pleaded for coffee and donuts for our meeting, with a mere 40 minutes to spare. Gotta keep the docs happy.

But after all that, I gave the catering guys the wrong room number. Wrong floor number, too. I had run back up, commence the begging and pleading because they had already headed to the wrong room on the wrong floor and realized I screwed up.

And even though I had ordered coffee, I knew I was going to need oodles of my own coffee so I grabbed my purse right before the meeting, only to realize I didn't have my wallet with me.


Commence hair tossing and eyelash batting again. One of our techs was nice enough to loan me a couple bucks for coffee. I owe him.

And I have a lunch date, so there will be EVEN MORE hair tossing (I'm so dizzy) and a promise to return the favor soon.

Thank goodness I'm having a good hair day, huh?

And holy crap, it's already 11am!
Time flies when you're freakin' out all morning........


H~ said...

Good luck with the rest of your day. Bad things happen in threes, so maybe your done???

TD said...

Well lunch was nice, and I totally bought all the hair tossing and eyelash batting. I'm such a sucker. :)