Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday and I'm Feelin' Good

Guess what? I feel good. And I'm even wearing a thong today! Normally, that'll squash my mood pretty quick.

I got about 12 hours of sleep last night. I'm sure that's helping. My headache, be it wine or migraine, is gone. And because I'm feelin' so good, I got my pearls on. My co-workers know it's a good day when I got my pearls on.

And I've got Feelin' Good by Michael Buble running through my head. It kinda makes me wanna strip. I won't though. It's the whole big band boom-chicka-boom thing. Maybe I'll create a playlist on my iPod entitled Strippin'. Get my showgirls thang on.

Where was I?

Oh, right. I'm feelin' good.

And! I'm excited about this whole Super Tuesday thing.
I know!

I've never followed politics. Never. It's confusing and overwhelming and it just bums me out. But then Steve guilted me into voting for the first time in the last presidential election. I think we ended up going through a couple of bottles of wine while watching Dan Rather's coverage, which was unbelievably entertaining. "He swept through the South like a tornado through a trailer park." Fantastic. Dan Ratherisms. And someone compiled them all. Ya gotta love the internet.

So I voted, and I lost and well, I gave up hope.

Ah, but this year is proving to be damned exciting. Hope is almost a tangible thing! I'm checking CNN every half hour (Huckabee wins WV? Really? What the.....?) and looking at numbers that make absolutely no sense to me. I've tried reading up on it and figuring it out, but all I can come up with is that I want someone's numbers to be higher than someone else's numbers. That's it. I am curious what a Superdelegate is, though. And do they wear a costume?

We Washington folks don't get to vote until Saturday. But I got my absentee ballot in the mail yesterday. It's already filled it out. I AM READY!

And! It's Fat Tuesday to boot! Although, I've never really participated in Mardi Gras. Too many people. But I have lots of beads. I could wear those around the house tonight while I'm cleaning and look all festive. Oooh, then I'll put on "Feelin' Good" and prance around, swingin' my hips and twirlin' the beads, Swiffer in hand.......

My mother is having a heart attack right now. I just know it.

Happy Super Fat Tuesday!
(Mmmm, makes me want a cheeseburger.....)


Karen G. Anderson said...

If you have an excess of energy, you could come over here and clean!

H~ said...

HAHA! I sent my ballot in a week ago. Then again I can't exactly go to the polls in Seattle without incurring major expense.

Anonymous said...

No, your mother isn't haven't a heart attack - I know you have some mental issues! And this just proves it. (But that's okay - you're still very much loved!)

Anonymous said...

If you're a democrat (oh, please be a democrat this year!), it's your local Saturday, Feb 9th caucus at 1pm that is important. That's where you need to go to cast your vote for the candidate you choose. The WA democratic party does not recognize the primary ballot votes for choosing delegates. Your ballot vote won't count, whether you mail it in early or not. The republicans choose delegates 1/2 and 1/2 according to their caucuses and the primary. Go to your caucus! Call if you have questions...

Anonymous said...

gardengirl is way more informed on politics than I am! Good for her. Sometimes it's just all too confusing for my pea brain and I want to give up. But then I talk to Tricia and she encourages me to keep trying. Even though we don't always see "eye to eye." ;>)