He makes the coffee every morning while I'm in the shower, and on most mornings, my breakfast.
As we're waking up, he'll ask, "Coffee?" (if I wake up on the right side of the bed, I answer "Yes, please". Wrong side of the bed? "Well, duh!")
Then he'll ask if I want a egg sandwich or a breakfast burrito or something like that, and I get excited and really wake up. And when I turn off my hairdryer, I'll hear him start the microwave or put the skillet in the sink.
Because he knows that when I'm finished blow drying my hair, it means I have about 10 minutes before I leave.
So when I go in the kitchen to get my coffee, I'll find a Ziploc bag or a Tupperware dish waiting for me on the counter. I don't bother to ask what it is; he knows what I like and don't like.
And it doesn't matter what it is. All that matters is that my husband wants to make sure I actually eat breakfast so he makes me something and packs it up while I'm getting ready for work.
How wonderful is that?
They don't make many like that these days! Lucky girl.
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