Monday, June 20, 2011

Yes, I'm Still Alive

Last week was long.  Period.

Todd had many Skype meetings, I had a block party planning with my neighbor Carrie, Kayleigh had her very last band concert and we finished up with week with Gamy (Gary & Amy) and drinks down at the Matador.

Saturday was wonderfully empty.  Kayleigh had stayed Friday night with a friend, Tyler had taken the bus to meet Gavin for game night, so Todd and I shopped around and ran errands and had a lovely day together.  And that night we watched Black Death. Which was gory, but awesome.

Kayleigh gave up halfway through, due to the hacking (of bodies) and retired to her room.  So after Black Death, Todd and I watched Watchmen.  Well, half of Watchmen.  Then Sara and Zadra arrived to spend the night because they were flying out to their cousin's wedding on Sunday.

And so Todd started off Father's Day by getting up at 6:30, and driving them to the airport.  He's a good man.  He had also scheduled a brunch with Brian, so I made a dutch baby and Todd cooked up some bacon, and of course there was fruit, coffee and mimosas.

There was also Sam!

Brian's dog.  He's a sweet puppy.  We locked the cats up in our bedroom so Sam could come visit. 

Steph dropped by for a bit as well, and we visited an open house.  A beautiful two bedroom, one bath for $399,000.

Yeah, good luck with that.

Then there was a quick trip to Target with Kayleigh, shopping for dinner, and finally, a lovely evening with Bill Cosby Himself.  Todd and I hadn't seen it in ages and we laughed our asses off.  Bill never gets old.  I think Kayleigh even enjoyed.  And of course, after that, I just HAD to see the Cosby episode where Theo thinks he can be a model at 18 and have his own place, so the family poses as the landlord, bank owner, talent agent and the cafe owner and makes Theo buy all of his stuff back.  That's just my favorite episode.  When Cliff asks for references for the apartment, Kayeligh said, "They don't do that, do they?  Can't you just buy an apartment?"

This is why I want to watch the Cosby show with them.  It's educational.

And since it was Sunday night, we all retired early to prepare for a nonstop week of meetings, school stuff and more meetings.

I'm already tired.

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