Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Super Weekend Update!

I have to toot my own horn and say, I was AWESOME on Saturday.


I woke up at 8am and immediately bombarded Todd with, “I’m ready to go shopping now and we need to go to Target and get the griddle and use our gift card and we need new shower curtain liners and then we can go to Bed Bath and Beyond cause I want a new rug for the bathroom well I want a couple for the kitchen too so we’ll have to look for those somewhere and let’s stop at Starbucks for a big ass latte and one of those egg sausage thingies I LOVE THOSE.”

Todd told me I didn’t need coffee.

It was just one of those mornings where the stars align and I didn’t wake up at all during the night so when morning came, BAM. I was ready to hit the ground running.

We ran our errands and were back home by 11am, which left plenty of time to CLEAN THE GUTTERS.

I know!

With the rain we’d been having, the water was just pouring over the side of the gutters. We have a very large pine tree above us, so I was sure pine needles had gotten stuck in there and gawd only knows when those things had last been cleaned.

(A side note about this pine tree – I hate this thing. It will be the death of me. We track those freakin' needles all over the house. I hate them. HATE THEM. They remind me of every house we had in Huffman Texas. I love vacuuming, but there is just no way to keep on top of it.)

Since I was the one all gung ho to clean them, and Todd was in a more “let’s cuddle on the sofa and veg” mood, I climbed the ladder while he held on to it and, by hand, grabbed all the gunk out and put it in a trash bag. I am such a good grown up!

Come to find, they weren’t all that clogged up. It’s just the gutters “tilt” the wrong way - away from the drainage hole. One more thing to take care of as soon as we get that windfall we keep applying for (see: lotto).

We ended up cleaning out the cottage’s gutters too, since we already were dirty and had the extend-o ladder out. We’re good landlords, too.

After the gutter fun, the cleaning binge kicked in.

Man alive, did I clean. Until about 6pm that night. I dusted and vacuumed, wiped down doors and door frames, scrubbed the bathroom and kitchen, put up the three new shower curtain liners – ah, the joy of a clawfoot tub. Todd helped. It kills my arms and shoulders to be so short and have to reach up to change out all three of them. One is bad enough! I then finished up with some organizing in the bedroom.

And in organizing, I found the rocks that people signed at the wedding. I saw them the day after the wedding, but in the chaos of the brunch and all of the visitors, the bin they were in got buried in the corner. So when I was moving things to vacuum, I pulled them out and looked at them again.

It seemed a shame to keep them in a plastic bin, so I got out my big vase that I use when I decorate for Christmas and put them in there. Now we can look them and remember that fantastic day.

That night, we curled up for Iron Man, which I’ve seen once before and is now one of my favorite movies ever. I love me some Robert Downey, Jr (and his acceptance speech at the Golden Globes? Fan-freakin'-tastic. Love him).

And then, bedtime.

Sunday, however, was not quite as productive. I think I used up all of my energy on Saturday.

I took Kayleigh shopping for some necessities and then we picked up one of her friends. They had a fun girly overnight while Todd and I watched Stardust. It’s a sweet love story about a boy and a star. And Robert DeNiro plays a gay pirate!

And then, bedtime.

Monday was a holiday for me, and the kids, so I took off on my own for a while and headed to Southcenter. I went to Old Navy to make an exchange then to Best Buy to check out the laptops and netbooks. I’ll need to make the switch by April. That’s when we’ll move into our office and studio space (that’s currently rented) but I want my computer to stay nearby. And there’ll no room for a desk in the main house, so I’ll get a laptop or netbook and be a bit more mobile. I need to figure out an office-type set up that can also be mobile, in the house. Some place to put receipts and bills that need to be paid and the like.

I do love a project.

Then, last night, Todd and I watched “Sleeping Beauty”. Would you believe I’ve never seen the movie? Hell, I couldn’t really recite the story to Todd.

Me: “So, there’s a girl and she falls asleep and then the hot prince kisses her and wakes her up?”

And “Snow White”?

“Um…. This dark haired girl shacks up with some short dudes who whistle WAY too much and she cleans for them? Oh! She falls asleep and then the hot prince kisses her and wakes her up?”

What is up with these chicks falling asleep? Maybe they should lay off the wine, huh?

"Beauty and The Beast"?

Uh..well…girl and hairy guy and…they dance? She’s in a yellow dress. And I don’t think she falls asleep.

It was quite a sight – laying in bed and listening to my husband tell me fairy tales as I drifted off. At 34 years old.


That was my weekend. And thank gawd we have a short week this week. Although, that just means people will try to cram even more into this week. Yuck. I am so done with the whole work-at-break-neck-speed-for-nine-hours-a-day-then-pass-out-when-I-get-home crap. It’s really no fun.

And it makes cutting back on my wine very difficult.

Even if I am being scrutinized.

(From I Can Haz Cheesburger)

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